We can hear more and more about the ever increasing number of civilisation illnesses. We hardly consume foodstuffs in their natural forms, and combustion gases of cars, smokes from factories, poisons rushing into our rivers and lakes have all adverse effects on our bodies. Being “intoxicated” shows inside and outside of our bodies, we are bloated, we suffer from constipation, from abdominal pain, from bad body odour, pimples and acnes, from labouring breath, fatigue, heaviness, frequent illnesses and cellulitis. Therefore it is worth learning the processes and how we can fight against them. Those who seriously take care of their health do twice a year – in spring and autumn – a 2-3 week long cleansing cure. This procedure supports the inner organs taking part in the detoxifying processes; help them to eliminate all the accumulated toxins. During proper detoxification intermediate – often toxic – metabolites are formed that we can also get rid of.
How do we produce toxins if we consume organic food?
If our intestinal microbial flora is damaged it cannot digest the consumed perfect food, and many times it produces toxic sugars or proteins that will weaken both the immune system and the central nervous system. Recent scientific studies have demonstrated that even incurable illnesses (like e.g. autism) can be healed or the condition of such patients can be improved by proper nutrition, by the restoration of the healthy intestinal microbial flora.
“During the evolution Nature wanted to ensure that human beings should not die of vitamin and amino acid deficiencies even if food was limited. Nature has formed our own nutrient store, the healthy intestinal flora. If it is damaged, despite of a healthy diet, we might suffer from vitamin deficiency, as the life-spam of water soluble vitamins is relatively short.”
(Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, GAP Syndrome, Medinform, 2005. page 33.)
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